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1. To facilitate and enable access to effective legal advice/ assistance irrespective of means to Warri residents ;
2. To promote/ protect fundamental human and peoples rights ;
3. Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution( ADR)

Meaning of Justice

The word justice has been understood in various senses by many people. For example, some people found it convenient to describe it, using such phrases like quality of being just, fair play and fairness, etc. At times, it is also understood to mean being just and impartial between two or more contesting parties without preference as to class or race. In this regard, it has been observed that the word justice bears a tripartite connotation and performs a tripartite function in the judicial process, in the sense that it relates to the plaintiff, the defendant and the court in a civil matter, and in a criminal matter, it relates to the accused person, the state and the court: Therefore, it is justice, if it covers this tripartite ramification and signification, and it is not justice if it covers only one or two of the above.

Legal empowerment

Understanding the concept of legal empowerment is crucial in our efforts to empower communities and drive positive change. Legal empowerment is a transformative approach that seeks to address the power imbalances and inequalities that exist within societies by ensuring that everyone, regardless of their social or economic status, has access to justice and the ability to exercise their rights. It recognizes the fact that access to justice and legal rights are not just the domain of lawyers or legal professionals, but should be available to all individuals and communities.

Legal empowerment is based on the belief that knowledge of the law and legal processes is a powerful tool that can be used to challenge injustice, advocate for change, and hold those in power accountable. It empowers individuals and communities to understand their rights, navigate legal systems, and actively participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives. By empowering people with legal knowledge and skills, legal empowerment helps to level the playing field and ensure that marginalized and vulnerable groups are not left behind.

Access to Justice is a Fundamental Human Right

The role of WCLC in promoting legal empowerment

The role of WCLC in promoting legal empowerment is a crucial aspect of driving positive change within communities. WCLC has put in place open legal frameworks, and legal instruments that aim to increase access to justice and empower individuals by making legal information more readily available. WCLC plays a significant role in promoting legal empowerment by providing individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to understand and assert their rights. 

Access to Justice

WCLC seeks to overcome barriers that prevent individuals from accessing justice, such as lack of information, high costs, or discrimination. It emphasizes the importance of providing legal aid and support to those who cannot afford legal representation, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to seek redress for their grievances.

Rights Awareness and Education

WCLC recognizes the significance of raising awareness about rights and legal processes. By educating individuals about their rights, legal empowerment enables them to make informed decisions, assert their rights, and challenge injustices.

Strengthening Communities

WCLC fosters community engagement and participation in decision-making processes. It encourages the Warri community to organize and advocate for their rights collectively, leading to stronger and more resilient communities. 

Accountability and Rule of Law

WCLC plays a crucial role in promoting accountability and the rule of law. By empowering individuals to understand and use legal mechanisms, it helps to hold governments, institutions, and individuals accountable for their actions. This can range from filing complaints against human rights violations to advocating for policy changes that promote justice and equality.

Empowerment as a Process

Legal empowerment is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process. It involves building the capacity of individuals and the community to understand and navigate legal systems, as well as addressing systemic barriers that perpetuate inequality. It requires collaboration between civil society organizations, governments, and other stakeholders to create an enabling environment for legal empowerment initiatives.

Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services is a transformative approach that seeks to empower individuals and communities by ensuring access to justice, promoting rights awareness, strengthening communities, and fostering accountability. By understanding and embracing the concept of legal empowerment, we can work towards creating a more just and equitable society where everyone has the power to exercise their rights and shape their own destinies.

The First WCLC AGM/Party

WCLC held its first ever AGM meeting in 2019.

Our Guiding Principles:

Access to Justice is an impartial non-partisan, non-religious and independent group. It does not take any position on issues that lie outside of its mandate, and takes no sides in any political conflicts. Access to Justice is concerned solely with the protection of human rights by ensuring easy and non-discriminatory access to courts of law, the transparency of judicial functionaries and the promotion of a worldwide jurisprudence on human rights.

Support and Funding

Since its founding, WCLC has had the privilege of working with a broad variety of institutions and people who have made tremendous contributions to its work. These include private individuals, foundations and governments. From private philanthropies, WCLC received consecutive grants from the Foundations.